Musings Of A Rule Breaker
Every year it’s the same thing, I’m excited about a fresh start. In fact, I would almost go as far as to say that I am addicted to fresh starts. I love a new journal, new water bottle, new organizing app. New diet, new housekeeping books, new workout clothes… you get it right? Am I the only one?
I start out with perfectionism. I never just start eating better, I choose the most extreme diet I can find. My favorite is the whole 30, I’m actually pretty good at it, but I never get off of it, I spin my wheels so hard until I crash after the whole 90 or however many days I end up enduring.
I end up choosing something that takes up too much of my time and energy. I love a good house cleaning/organizing routine. But here’s the thing, most of them end up taking all of my time and energy. All of the T-shirts are folded in a completely satisfying way, I have a perfectly organized checklist. My toilets are scrubbed and my sink is a thing. But geez, does my family not get the whole “never use that shiny sink again” rule?
It starts to get really expensive. Yes I know, I should be milking my own grass-fed cow, and only buying grass-fed, organic, cuddled beef, and Wild Salmon that’s been gently placed in a net, by a scuba diver, but holy crap, that stuff is making me poor, organic coconut milk and all of the nuts and oils are super expensive. I end up giving up because it’s just not within the budget of a normal family.
So what can be done this year as I am really wanting the satisfaction of a whole new start, but do not have the time, money, or energy to sustain what I have done in the past? The honest truth is that I really started in September of 2019, so coming into the year 2020 is about the time that I drop off. I don’t want to drop off darn it! Here’s my plan.
Most meals I am eating are paleo. This diet really is the one that feels best for my body, I successfully manage a weight I am happy with, and at this age, because it is anti-inflammatory it helps with my ongoing joint pain. What am I not doing? I am not going out milking my own grass-fed cow, buying only the most expensive triple organic veggies, and eating organ meat every day. I can not afford to eat that way, and to be honest with you, these things only overwhelm me. If I can eat organic within my budget, great! I no longer feel like I need to launch myself into total anxiety if I don’t eat all of the most perfect forms of fuel for my body. Also if I’m just super in the mood for a peanut butter cup, I eat it, I don’t even punish myself about it. Let’s face it, I’ve failed before, I’m trying to make this a marathon, not a sprint.
I do the same cleaning/ getting ready in the morning ritual every single day (except for weekends). Really the most important reasoning for this one is to allow me the time to do what I really want to do, which is paint. Setting up a daily routine gives me so much more time. Also, I no longer look around my house and feel totally depressed because I have to get housework that’s piled super high done.
I have incorporated exercise into my life that begs me to do it. In the past, when I’ve decided to exercise, I always went to the treadmill and weight routine. Don’t get me wrong, for some people, running is a dream. I HATE running! I literally look at the timer the whole time waiting for it to be over. I’ve tried everything to trick me into liking it but I have failed. I now make it my plan to go to the gym 4 days a week. 2 days are Zumba, and 2 days is energy. I am in love with going to the gym now, I leave class feeling completed ready to get on with my life. Working out is making me happy! Also if I do miss a day I feel disappointed, not because I’m full of shame, but because I love going.
I am so excited to hear about how you are incorporating a happier you in this new year! Let’s go out and happy the heck out of 2020, are you ready?